Mechanical ventilation ppt free download
Mechanical ventilation ppt free download

Trigger: defines what the ventilator senses to initiate an assisted breath -an inspiratory effort or time based signal.Modes:refers to the manner in which ventilator breaths are triggered,cycled and limited.Paralyzing agents – Succinylcholine should be avoided in renal failure, Tumor lysis, Hyperkalemia.Analgesics – Avoids morphine – can worsen bronchospasm.Cuffed ETT is used to maintain Positive pressure and prevent aspiration.Non Invasive Positive pressure ventilation: CPAP and BIPAP.

mechanical ventilation ppt free download

  • O2 by Nasal cannula, ventimask, Nonrebreather.
  • Can be increased if refractory hypoxemia needing Fio2 >0.6
  • PEEP helps maintain patency of alveoli – reverses hypoxemia and atelectasis by improving V/Q matching.
  • Hypercarbia: TV x RR = Min Ventilation.
  • Prevent aspiration of Gastric contents: unstable patients needing Lavage for drug overdose and EGD.
  • CHF in presence of Myocardial ischemia: To reduce preload and afterload and to reduce work of breathing.
  • Post Op pulmonary HTN: to improve pulmonary hemodynamics.
  • Increased ICP – controlled Hyperventilation to reduce cerebral blood flow.
  • Muscle fatigue diseases: Asthma, COPD, restrictive lung disease.
  • Gravis, Ascending polyradiculopathy, Myopahty
  • Basically decreased Min Ventilation or increased Physiologic dead space.
  • mechanical ventilation ppt free download

    Specially designed pumps that support Ventilatory functions of RS and improve oxygenation through high O2 and positive pressure.Mechanical ventilation Dr.Poddutoori PGY3

    Mechanical ventilation ppt free download